miércoles, 3 de julio de 2013

El fin de semana

As we continued our journey on the bus back from Cordoba, the majority of us sleeping, we were suddenly awakened.  All of us sleepily opened our eyes and were startled to find policemen requesting our passports.  Mr. Rakovec and Mrs. Basin had to retrieve all passports from their backpacks and the police slowly examined our passports for what seemed like hours.  Finally, the police handed our passports back to Mr. Rakovec and Mrs. Basin and left the bus.  We are still perplexed as to how the police found out that we were tourists.

Once we got off the bus about an hour later, we walked to another bus, which then transported us to the school.  There, we waited a short time until our host families picked us up and brought us back home.  Meanwhile, our host brothers were still at a spiritual retreat until 6:00 pm.  I am sure that many others did the same thing as I did and took a nap while waiting for their brothers to return.  Upon returning, Santiago (my host brother)  and I continued our normal routine for the remainder of the night which was to play on the PS3 and eat dinner then go to the house of Andrew's host, Manuel, where we hung out with a few others, just talking and playing video games.

On Saturday, Santiago went to the house of the host brother of Brendan Bennett; Danny. At Danny's house, Santiago and Danny prepared studying for their equivalent of midterms which began on Saturday.  While they studied, Brendan Bennett and I were taken by Danny's parents to San Telmo, a neighborhood filled with many antiques and charm.  We stopped to get dulce de leche ice cream then went back to Danny's house to play on his Wii.  Later that night, Brendan and I went with our host brothers to Manuel's house and had an enjoyable time there.

Lastly, on Sunday, Brendan, Andrew and I went with our host brothers to an asado hosted by Danny.  We played card games, ping pong, and soccer while waiting for the food to cook then enjoyed a delicious lunch followed by more soccer.  All in all, it was a great weekend.

-Brennan M.

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